• Units 110-149 are in Building 1 (nearest Park Avenue).  Units 210-249 are in Building 2 (nearest Deer Valley Drive).

  • If you have any questions regarding the unit you are renting, contact the rental agent or owner that you rented through.  Park Station units are individually owned, so our common management company, is unable to help with individual units (they actually don’t know anything about your rental).

  • If you have questions or problems regarding the pools or common spaces, please contact Compass Management at 435 649-1842.

  • There are carts for luggage in both buildings.  Please return the carts for others to use, and please do not keep them inside the units. 

  • Parking- We have limited parking so consequently, we have to be proactive about parking, and ugh, towing.  Through your rental, you are provided a blue parking pass; please affix it to your rear-view mirror.  We really don’t want to tow you....  If you need additional parking, there is metered parking on the street or garages along Main Street, as well as under the Marriott.

  • Enjoy the pool, outdoor spa and indoor spa/sauna/restrooms (located in basement of Building 2) but please respect the rule regarding glass in pool areas.  Pool closes at 10:00 pm.

  • Garbage/Recycling Dumpsters are in the parking lot next to Building 2 at the bottom of the ramp.  Please don’t leave trash in hallways and common areas.

  • Laundry: There are coin operated washers and dryers on the 4th floor of Building 1 and in the basement of Building 2.
